
The Privat & Boutique Hotel Lenz on Lake Plau is located on historic grounds, sparsely populated and once the scene of disputes between the nobility of the Mark Brandenburg on the one hand and the ecclesiastical nobility of Western Pomerania on the other.

As a result of customs and trade disputes, which can be traced back to the 16th century, a castle was built in the immediate vicinity for “protection and protection”, of which unfortunately nothing exists today. Only incisions in the landscape, however, still give a hint of them.

From the middle of the 19th century the tourist development of this scenic area began.

The history of the hotel complex

Today’s hotel complex goes back to a main building of a children’s holiday camp of the VEB Schwermaschinenkombinat Ernst Thälmann “SKET” (until 1945 Krupp-Stahl AG), was built in the years 1958-1960 and served until 1991 as a commercial building with a cultural hall for the recreation of children and employees of this company

In the course of German reunification, the sponsoring company “SKET” (including today’s hotel complex) was wound up by the Treuhandanstalt in 1991 and then led a rather bleak existence until 2017.

In 2017, it was brought back to life with a great deal of effort and financial commitment, largely preserving its old substance, and opened as the “Boutique Hotel Lenz” at the beginning of 2019.


Privat Boutique Hotel | Lenz am Plauer See
Kiefernhain 16
17213 Fünfseen